Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Workout

I didn't want to flood the new blog with tons of posts, so today's will be covering yesterday's and today's workout.

Yesterday I worked on broad jump, 40, and 3 cone drill. All reps were done with full recovery:
Broad Jump x10
20 Yard Dash x8
3 Cone Drill until fatigue (when time decreases for 2 reps in a row)

You might notice that this is very low volume. The point of these reps is to have perfect, maximum-effort practice. My 40 seems to be coming along pretty well, but I really need to work on my start. I had 1 or 2 perfect starts and the rest were not very explosive. I suck at broad jump and I always have. I was getting around 9 feet, but should be getting more than 10. The 3 cone drill was very fun to work on.

The combine gurus (like Defranco and Parisi) figured out that to minimize time and number of steps in the 3 cone drill, the first 5 yards need to be covered in 3 steps (4 including the plant leg) and the second 5 yards need to be covered in 2 steps (3 with plant), and in order to touch with your right hand, you have to start in a left handed stance which is incredibly awkward for me. Furthermore, if you can make the 3rd leg in 2 true steps, then you cut into the 3rd turn (which is 90 degrees) with your left and outside foot which is a faster/easier cut and sets up the rest of the drill to be run perfectly. This is really fun to figure out and mess with for me. The technique practice is almost as important as the raw athleticism. The switch to a left handed stance alone can take 0.3s off of a 3-cone drill which is ridiculous.

Todays workout will be a light one as I need to save my legs:
Barbell Step Ups: 4x6
Light Pass Coverage Drills
Ab work


  1. im not a big guy im in shape i just dont work out and that seems pritty intense. and since you posted it at 9:25am im guessing your an early morning person

  2. Beastly man, I like your approach

  3. Yennaaa, here is a link to one of Defranco's guys running it extremely well!

  4. Frog, I think I need to fix my time zone because I posted this around 11am!

  5. Today, for the first time, doing nothing more than a month since I went to the gym. I feel tired and happy. I hope that the soreness will destroy me tomorrow - the best pain in the world:)

  6. Very good blog man, I wait for next post.

    + follower:)

  7. Sounds like a good routine, let us know how it goes!

  8. broad jump is such a good workout if done correctly. easy to cheap out though

  9. i like it man, i just started doing stuff like this

  10. I do a little workout routine myself keeps me going

  11. looks like yore getting up early for working out any good tip to make it out of the bed?

  12. Good luck with your comeback. I just started me some yoga to increase my flexibility!

  13. Keep it going. Don't beat yourself up about a light routine. So long as you keep working up into it, you're going to get into great shape.

  14. Looks good, I too need some training.

    I need a train blog to follow, never read anyone with training. Interesting.

  15. Wow, incredible! followed!
